Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Britain In a Global Society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Britain In a Global Society - Essay Example Political system of UK is multi-party system- the political system in which more than one party is involved. Labour party, conservative party and liberal democrats are the parties of UK. Political system of the UK under the constitution is unmodified. Parliament has the responsibility to select the prime minister. Prime minister is basically the head of the majority party. UK is a constitutional monarchy which is the form of a government in which Queen is head of the state. The Members of Parliament are elected by the common citizen of UK. But the members of House of Lords are not elected. House of Lords member inherit sit from their fathers. The United Kingdom works on diversified economy. Diversified economy of UK is one of the largest in the world. The UK economy system follows mixed economy like many other nations. In mixed economy, both public and state sector direct the economy. Due to this private firms are free and can enable to produce and sell commodities and goods but it would be controlled by the government. UK is a trading nation. Domestic market of UK is limited that results to find more companies from outside of the country. One of the world’s largest importers is UK. United Kingdom’s mixed economy enables government to own stake of certain industries which are socialist characteristics (Branch, 2006, p.546). But mixed economy of United Kingdom has almost free market features. UK was one of the most stable economy countries before 2007. But after 2008 GDP growth rate of UK fell to 0.7%. UK is always renowned for its strong economy and rich blend of science and art. UK is the major centre for multinational companies. UK is the sixth largest importer in the world and tenth largest exporter in the world. In the year 2009, UK was one of the largest producers of natural gas in the world. And it is largest in the EU. UK has the third largest aerospace industry in the world. Foreign aerospace companies

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Meaning Of Voting Behaviour Politics Essay

Meaning Of Voting Behaviour Politics Essay Human actions, such as voting in a democratic election, are extremely complex phenomenon and depend on a variety of social and psychological factors. Voting in elections is the most obvious and direct way in which a whole population can affect government, sort of mass revolution.  [2]  Voting is the most distinguishing imperative stuff that a citizen can do to make sure that the government operates in the way it is intended; and guaranteed that their political way of life are heard by the countrys political system. Therefore, it is the main form of political participation in liberal democratic societies and the study of voting behaviour is a highly specialized sub-field within political science. Voting has become virtually a universal means by which individuals make collective decisions.  [3]   Meaning of Voting Behaviour The word voting is not a new concept. In antique Greece, voting was not much for elections to offices, which were packed on the jury principles of arbitrary selection. But it was used for decisions on propositions put before democratic assembly, on the fate of individuals.  [4]  In contemporary democratic arrangement, voting is a method of expressing the approval or disapproval of the policies, programmes and decisions of the administrative authority. Quoting Oriavwote, (2000), S.K. Balogun and P.O. Olapegba writes: Voting thus, is a means of aggregating individual preferences into collective decision in an election, the action of formally indicating ones choice of candidate or political party at an election.  [5]   Voting is the pedestal of the political pyramid in democracy, and that decisions made at the foundation have the capability to overthrow those at the top. For this reason, voting may perhaps be looked upon as the basic decision-making process in a democracy.  [6]  It may also describe the process either by which citizens choose candidates for public office or the formal recording of opinion of a group on any subject. In either sense, it is a means of transforming numerous individual opinions into a coherent and collective basis for decision. Voters tend to choose candidates whom they perceived as benefiting them the most and as having a reasonable chance of winning.  [7]  That is, voting is a good example of rational choice,  [8]  as larger part of the electorate takes their voting preference on the establishment of a judgment of how the present government or the incumbent has exaggerated the welfare of the people, and the odds that the contrasting camp would accomplish b etter. The study of voting behaviour started around the 18th century (Jenson, 1969), this early attempts made use of aggregate data analysis that is, using actual election returns by geopolitical units e.g., wards, districts etc. (Gosnell, 1930).  [9]  Of late, voting behaviour has used to describe, as Samuel J. Eldersveld writes, certain area of study and types of political phenomena which previously had either not been conceived or were considered irrelevant. It involves an analysis of individual psychological processes (perception, emotion and motivation) and their relation to political actions, as well as institutional patterns, such as the communication process and their impact on elections.  [10]  As V.O. Key, Jr., and Frank Munger have observed, most voting behaviour of the time is a continuing affirmation of pre-existing political commitments which were forged under the pressure of a major social trauma. Looked at in terms of the party system as a whole, this profound linkag e with the past often amounts to a standing decision which is only very infrequently subject to review by any decisively large part of the electorate.  [11]   In short, voting behaviour of the populace determines political power in any political system on different scales signifying the intensity of political involvement. Even if people are not aware of a personal involvement in the electoral decision, they may still be induced to vote by social pressures and inner feelings of social obligation.  [12]  Voting behaviour refers to factors that determine the manner in which a particular group of people vote for a specific political party or candidates that are up for elections. Therefore, voting behaviour as N.G.S. Kini, sums up can be regarded as:  [13]   (a) a mode of legitimizing democratic rule; (b) instancing participation in the political process involving integration into the political community; (c) instancing an act of decision-making; (d) a role-action involving definite political orientation imbedded in a particular type of political culture; or (e) a direct relation of the individual citizens to the formal government.  [14]   In fine, the notion of voting behaviour implies the study of voters preferences, alternative, programmes, ideology, etc., on which elections are fought. Among other things, voting behaviour helps to arrive to a decision which official are chosen to run our governments, the multiplicity of parties that voters have to choose from at the polls, how many citizens will turn out to vote, who will or will not be represented in our legislatures, and whether the majority will rule. It has a thoughtful consequence not only on the process of elections, but also on the degree to which a political system is fair, representative, and democratic. Therefore, it lies at the heart of democratic process and are an expression of popular will. Factors affecting Voting Behaviour Voting behaviour is rather a complex and multi-faceted subject. Diverse factors that comprise both political and non-political have an effect on it. Its determinants are vast and wide-ranging, and differ from one person to another to a substantial degree. Voting behaviour is determined by the political attitudes, assumptions, policy preferences, and partisan loyalties of individuals and the political and institutional context within which they cast their votes in an election.  [15]  Thus, there are a numbers of indicators affecting voters choice as one of the early pioneers of electoral studies in India, V.M. Sirsikar, observes, an enquiry into the process of election indicates factors other than rationality.  [16]   . The assessment of voting pattern consistently focuses on the determinants of why people vote as they do and how they arrive at the decisions they make. Most attention has been, however, to the behaviour of the mass electorate.  [17]  A variety of research on the study of voting behaviour has identified two major types of factors, which can be broadly categorized as sociological (demographic, social, and economic attributes) and psychological (politically relevant attitudes, beliefs and values).  [18]  The comparative political science literature recognizes that certain variables such as education;  [19]  income and unemployment;  [20]  importance of party support or attachment;  [21]  perception of issues;  [22]  ideology and issues;  [23]  partisanship;  [24]  evaluation of leaders or the top candidates;  [25]  etc., have generally been found to associate with voting behaviour of the electorate. Some of the selected predicators of voting behavio ur for this study are analyzed as follows: Sociological factors Gender: The analysis of sex is an important indicator of voting behaviour. Women voters tend to be more wavering about their intention to vote as also in the voting act itself than the male voters.  [26]  However, the commitment is more to candidate then to party both to males and females. Village consensus and advice of village headman work more with female voters than with male voters, while the merit of the candidates attracts more males than females.  [27]  Sex provides a base for diversity where modernism is a significant issue, since in most societies womens role are more involved in religious institutions and less in modern economic ones. Consequently, where there is a difference between the voting pattern of the two sexes, women tend to support traditionalist parties more than modernising ones.  [28]  Nonetheless, since the focus of the study is on a relatively traditionalistic attitude where gender issues still predominates,  [29]  it seemed good to retain ge nder as a determinant of voting behaviour. Kinship: Kinship is a relationship between any entities that share a genealogical origin, through either biological or cultural, or historical descent.  [30]  In a kinship based society, kinship provides many of the social relations in which a person is likely to be involved in the course of his life.  [31]  It is a strategy force determining political behaviour of the people and influencing their thought process.  [32]   Strong kinship and village loyalties affect many a choice, the family or the wife voting as father or husband suggests, and the village casting its vote according to the advice of the head-man or influential elder.  [33]   Despite the traditional claim that each voter is an individual who makes up his own mind, social groups pressures limit choices sharply, and are highly significant determinants of individual voting patterns.  [34]   Kins and clan would, of course, be used to campaign for one or the other candidate; and votes would be sought by identifying a candidate as a peasant, a worker and the like.  [35]   Age: Age has often been described as one of the leading indicators of voting behaviour, though it is difficult to treat as an independent variable. As Alan R. Ball has pointed out, age is a complex variable. In common parlance, older citizens tend to vote for conservative parties but this may be simple reflections of the historical period when the electors voting habits were being formed. Age may be less important than the strength of the voters attachment to a political party, and it is this allegiance that hardens with age.  [36]  However the relationship between age and voting is curvilinear, with a gradual increasing in the mid-age group and declining thereafter. nonetheless, it is the candidate orientation which dominates in all the age groups.  [37]   Education: Over the years, education has emerged as one of the major predicators of voting. Educations widen the political visualization and expands the horizon of ones interest in the political process. It enables the individual to develop the skill for political participation.  [38]  The electorate having more years of formal education has the greater probability of exercising their franchise in any election. Economic Factors: The economic status of the electorate is an important indicator of voting behaviour. Though it is often considered as non-existent impact on voting, economic factors play an important role in shaping voting behaviour of the electorate as Arivind Virmani points out: An improvement (or) worsening of economic conditions can increase (or) decrease the probability of voting for the party perceived to be responsible for the change. Further, the independent or floating voter is more likely to be affected by economic conditions than voters committed to a particular party for social, caste, religious and cultural reasons.  [39]   ` However, as Wolfinger and Rosenstones findings indicated, the likelihood of voting may not be a linear function of income.  [40]  The key difference seems to be the unpleasant variation among those of high-income groups and low-income groups. The most distinguishing factors in election are vote bribing which is open-secret which reflect a clash between traditional economic ties and changing cultural pressure.  [41]  Poor voters are reported to have received money offered by various candidates. Public Employment: Along with education and economic status, occupation appears to exert a great effect on voting behaviour. Public officials tend to take greater interest in voting and are usually votes for the party which is likely to address their interest. Even farmers, who are conventionally viewed as being uncommonly likely to abstain from voting,  [42]  have become much less distinctive in this regard.  [43]  Studies have also revealed that government workers of all types tend to take an unusual interest in political matters and are unlikely to vote in the election.  [44]   Psychological Factors: Interest in Public Affairs: Those voters who have interest in public affairs and who follows the news of the present day situation are likely voters in any election. This is because of the fact that such voters are very much concern with the affairs of states policies and programme. On the contrary, there are some who take minimal interest in such affairs and are unlikely voters. Many voters made explicit references to specific issue concerns, whereas others spoke in more global terms about parties, leaders or local candidates without elaborating their reasoning in any detail.  [45]   Strength and Direction of Party loyalty: Voting behaviour is more easily explained by emphasising party loyalty.  [46]  Some party men are likely to vote in elections than others as different parties may draw their members from different social base which reflects the weakness and the strength of the party. However, in India, people do not hesitate to shift their votes from one party to another as parties identities are not very strong. If party loyalty is taken as one of the key indexes of political considerations, it may be assumed that the parties play a marginal role in determining the preference of the voters.  [47]  Though party loyalty is an important indicator of voting behaviour, it is often determined by other factors like social class, economic position or ethnic affiliation.  [48]   Perceived difference between Parties: In any election, if there is a clear-cut difference of ideologies between the contesting parties, the electorates are more likely to exercise their franchise. If the parties and the candidates are same and not easy to distinguish from each other, then there will be a little point in electoral participation. As Habib and Naidu (2006) observes: Conventional wisdom suggests that workers and poorer classes in society would support parties to the left of the political spectrum, while the middle class and more affluent strata would support parties on the right. The reasons are obvious. While the former have a material interest in fundamentally changing the political and socio-economic arrangements of society, the latter prefer the status quo.  [49]   Recent research, however, has emphasized party de-alignment.  [50]  Ideology could be said to be present only in terms of accent on social justice, involving considerable overlap and neutralization among parties which vied in usurping each others ideological planks.  [51]  Therefore, people are most unlikely to vote in the election where there are no ideological differences. Charisma of the Candidate: Role of personality in influencing the electoral behaviour cannot be refuted, Charisma refers to mean a certain quality of an individual personality by virtue of which he is set apart from ordinary men and treated as endowed with supernatural or exceptional powers or qualities.  [52]  Moreover it is this quality of the leader which enables him to attract a large number of people and under the influence of which the people pay reverence to the charismatic leader. Therefore, there is a strong belief that organisation of political party under a charismatic leader is a source of popular support for the party. Pubic Opinion and Mass Media: Pubic opinion and mass media has, of late, become an important indicator of voting behaviour. Public opinion refers to the attitudes of a significant number of people about public affairs, or matters of government and politics that concern the people at large. It is one not of advocacy of any particular policy, subject or topic, but of the provider of both objective and subjective information, obtained systematically and objectively, analysed dispassionately and delivered evenly.  [53]  The latter has the capacity to bring matters to the attention of the public or to conceal them. This is usually referred to as agenda setting.  [54]  While the media may ignore certain topics or exaggerate others, the public also has an enormous capacity for being highly selective in what to take interest in.  [55]   In the pages that follow, we shall examine these sociological and psychological factors on the voting behaviour of the electors in the constituency under study. Voting Behaviour in Manipur The most interesting questions about an election are not concerned with who won but with such questions as why people voted the way that they did or what the implications of the results are. These questions are not always easily answered. A glance only at the campaign events and incidents will not suffice. The unique aspects of the election must be blended with a more general understanding of electoral behavior to create a full explanation. Since the introduction of participatory democracy in Manipur under the Manipur State Constitution Act, 1948, attempts have been made to study the nature of voting behaviour in Manipur. There has been some imprecise handling of the topic in the study of electoral politics,  [56]  political participation,  [57]  social and political change,  [58]  socio-political study;  [59]  and that research on the study of voting behaviour had also been undertaken both at the state  [60]  and constituency level.  [61]  They found that party ideology, ethnicity, role of money, caste, religion, personalities of the candidates, etc., were the main factors affecting voting behaviour in Manipur. As S.K. Chaube notes that in Manipur voters not only attach importance to party levels but also to status and personalities of the candidates.  [62]  However, some scholars emphasis on caste as a factor of voting behaviour in Manipur,  [63]  though there is absence of caste system in Manipur.  [64]   In the hills, ethnic loyalties play an important role as factor in voting decision.  [65]  The tribalism and ethnicity have become more intense as a result of the introduction of adult franchise.  [66]  Electoral politics has significantly given rise to inter-group conflicts in north-east and this is also affecting the democratic values and tradition of the tribals.  [67]  In addition to ethnicity, money, promise for government jobs, candidates personalities, etc., have also been a major source of influence to the voters in the hills.  [68]   In the first and the only election held in Independent Manipur  [69]  under the Manipur State Constitution Act, 1947, the voting behaviour of the electorate was influenced by ideology of the Manipur State Congress party as the party got the highest number of seats. And also the influenced of personality cult was also evident as twelve independents candidates in fray was also elected to the erstwhile Manipur Assembly.  [70]   After the merger of Manipur into the Indian Union in 1948, the first democratic election was held in 1952 under the Constitution of India. In the election, the socio-political movement of the time demanding for a responsible government influenced the electoral behaviour of the voters.  [71]  In the second and third assembly election held in 1957 and 1962 also, the same factors that influenced the election of 1952 were evident. However in 1962 election as R.P. Singh points out: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦in the hills areas, as there were no reserved seats for the schedule tribes, the election were fought on tribal lines. Political parties had sent up only tribals as their candidates except in Jiribam, where half of the voters were non-tribals  [72]   In 1967 assembly election of the state, the demand for a full-fledged statehood in the state influenced the voting behaviour of the people.  [73]  The electioneering was a quite brisk except in the cease-fire bound northern hills areas where it was restricted to a whisper campaign for fear of underground Nagas who boycott the elections.  [74]  After the attainment of statehood in 1972 and in the assembly election that followed, voting behaviour of the electorate was oriented toward parochial regional outlook,  [75]  as the performance of the regional political party, MPP in this election indicates. However, as a result of political instability in the state, mid-term election was held in 1974, and in that election the main determinant of voting behaviour was: inclusion of Manipur language in the Eighth Schedule, local problems and money factors.  [76]  In the assembly election of 1980, money, a strong Indira wave, and the impact of personality of the candidates  [77]   in fray played an important role in shaping the vote-choice of the electorate. Also, in the election of 1984, the vote-choice was mainly determined by a strong sympathy wave for the Congress (I) due to the assassination of Indira Gandhi and the charming personality of Rajiv Gandhi.  [78]   However, in the assembly election of 1990, voting behaviour was mainly influenced by the elders or the head of the family to vote for a particular party or candidate;  [79]  and also the influence of money was found to be associated with the vote-choice of the electorate. In the assembly election of 1995 and 2000, money as a determinant of voting behaviour was considered to be more significant than all other factors.  [80]  In the assembly election of 2002, influence of money, personality of the candidates, party loyalty, and local issues facing the state and the respective constituencies was noticed.  [81]  The assembly election of 2007 perhaps culminated in the victory of the Indian National Congress (I) and the electoral behaviour of the people was mainly influenced by the stability of the Secular Progressive Front (SPF) government and the various developmental works initiated during the period. The boycott-call given by armed insurgent outfit to the INC during electio n did not hamper the electoral prospect of the party. The strong personality of the incumbent Chief Minister, Shri Okram Ibobi Singh had profound impact on the voting behaviour of the people. From the above analysis, the voting behaviour of the electorate in Manipur changes from time to time and from one election to another. Various socio-political factors had influenced the voting behaviour of the people of the state. The electors of Manipur have exercised their political franchise according to the needs and circumstance of the time for better governance. As Dr. Benjamin Gangmei, sums up: the main determinant of voting behaviour in Manipur includes: personality of the candidate, party loyalty, money power, local issues, family influence, election campaign, groupism, election feasting and insurgency.  [82]   In the light of th

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Articles of Confederation :: American America History

The Articles of Confederation The Articles of Confederation was the first constitution of the United States of America. The Articles of Confederation were first drafted by the Continental Congress in Philadelphia Pennsylvania in 1777. This first draft was prepared by a man named John Dickinson in 1776. The Articles were then ratified in 1781. The cause for the changes to be made was due to state jealousies and widespread distrust of the central authority. This jealousy then led to the emasculation of the document. As adopted, the articles provided only for a "firm league of friendship" in which each of the 13 states expressly held "its sovereignty, freedom, and independence." The People of each state were given equal privileges and rights, freedom of movement was guaranteed, and procedures for the trials of accused criminals were outlined. The articles established a national legislature called the Congress, consisting of two to seven delegates from each state; each state had one vote, according to its size or population. No executive or judicial branches were provided for. Congress was charged with responsibility for conducting foreign relations, declaring war or peace, maintaining an army and navy, settling boundary disputes, establishing and maintaining a postal service, and various lesser functions. Some of these responsibilities were shared with the states, and in one way or another Congress was dependent upon the cooperation of the states for carrying out any of them. Four visible weaknesses of the articles, apart from those of organization, made it impossible for Congress to execute its constitutional duties. These were analyzed in numbers 15-22 of The FEDERALIST, the political essays in which Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay argued the case for the U.S. CONSTITUTION of 1787. The first weakness was that Congress could legislate only for states, not for individuals; because of this it could not enforce legislation. Second, Congress had no power to tax. Instead, it was to assess its expenses and divide those among the states on the basis of the value of land. States were then to tax their own citizens to raise the money for these expenses and turn the proceeds over to Congress. They could not be forced to do so, and in practice they rarely met their obligations. Third, Congress lacked the power to control commerce--without its power to conduct foreign relations was not necessary, since most treaties except those of peace were concern ed mainly with trade.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

How Can Risk Influence Risk Premium Essay

Risk and return are the fundamental basis upon which investors make their decision whether or not they should invest in a particular investment. How they are related and the influence between the two, is the decision making process that all investors must weigh up. This essay will show how risk can influence risk premium, outlining their relationship and how risk and return are related. Within any investment there is a certain amount of risk, which must be taken into account by an investor when deciding to invest. Risk is defined as the chance of financial loss or, more formally the variability of returns associated with a given asset. This concept in finance is the idea that all investment carries a risk, the higher the risk, the greater the return, however the adverse is also relevant, when the risk of an investment is lower the return is expected to also be lower. However, with all investment there is never a guarantee of return. Return is the total gain or loss experienced on an investment over a given period of time. It is measured by the asset’s cash distributions plus change in value, divided by its beginning-of-period value. (Gitman, et al. , 2011, p. 08) Returns on investment are the motivation to all investors, however as all investment carries a risk, the investor must have a required and expected return on the investment. Expected return, is the return that an asset is expected to produce over some future period of time, while required return, is that which an investor requires an asset to produce if he/she is to be a future investor in that asset. It is here that we see the relationship between risk and return. With the expected and required return on an asset, an investor can calculate the return of an asset and its risk. Kidwell, et al. , 2007, p. 307) To better understand this relationship we must analyse risk premium. Risk premium refers to an asset’s expected rate of return and how that exceeds the risk free rate. The risk free rate is the interest rate of a stable investment usually a government bond or Treasury bill, which is used as a stabilizer and market equivalent in the calculation of the risk and return. (Kidwell, et al. , 2007, p. 307) The required rate of return is therefore based on the expectations of the investor. Risk premium is the compensation for making and undertaking an investment and risk. It is here that we bring all the above mentioned components of risk, return, and risk premium together to formulate: Required rate of return = Risk-free rate of return + Risk premium From this equation we see how risk can influence the risk premium and in turn affect the required rate of return. As risk premium is based on the investor’s compensation for undertaking the risk, we can surmise that the higher the compensation wanted by the investor, the higher the risk will have to be to gain the required rate of return.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The Honda Corporate Strategy Case Study

With reference to the Honda case study and also drawing on other examples from the Critical Issues course, what are the key theoretical and methodological issues in drawing general lessons from case studies of success? History is subject to interpretation; so are business successes and failures. However ex-post justifications of the latter have proved more profitable. This essay explores the theoretical and methodological issues in drawing general lessons from case studies of success, with particular reference to Honda's successful penetration of the US market in the 1960s. This essay offers a critical theory and post – modernist approach. Critical theory questions the central features of such recipes for success, the historical and social contexts from which they emerged and the purposes and functions that it may serve. Post – modernism can be seen as an extension of critical theory but has added the dimension of power to knowledge and argues that the two are no separable [Foucault]. In 1946, the Honda Technical Research Institute was established by Sochiro Honda and his partner, Takeo Fujisawa. Having succesfully established itself in the Japanese market, Honda entered the US market in 1959. By 1960, its Supercub model was highly successful. They then created a highly effective as campaign based on â€Å"You Meet the Nicest People on a Honda†. By 1964, it has dominated almost half of the US market. Later in that year, it required cash on delivery of shipments. As Pascale (1996) says, â€Å"In one fell swoop, Honda shifted the power relationship from the dealer to the manufacturer.† Honda's success has been analysed and three distinct explanations for its success emerged:  · The most prominent is the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) Report. The report states that Honda maximised experience curve economies – low costs at high production volumes. As a result, American and British motorcycle manufacturers withdrew from certain market segments.  · An interview with six Honda executives by Pascale, led to his conclusion that Honda was successful in Japan because superior design skills led to a better product. Honda was also seen has a ‘learning organisation' that adapted and responded quickly.  · Prahalad and Hamel introduced the concepts of strategic ‘intent', ‘stretch' and ‘core competence'. These they feel were the necessary factors for success. There are two competing views in strategy formulation: (1) the ‘planning' school, and (2) the learning school. For the ‘planners', strategy formulation is a deliberate, rational and linear process where ends are first specified. In this case, structure follows strategy. The ‘learning' school takes an adaptive and incremental approach. Strategy is a non-linear and complex process. Structure and strategy formulation are intertwined. Formulating recipes for success based on past success presumes that the future perfectly emulates the past. Common sense will tell us that this may not necessarily be true. Rhetoric will also infer the same. In a dynamic and competitive business environment, factors that affect an organisation will not be static. Consumers tastes change. In the Post-Industrial era, consumers were more affluent. Hence, they demanded more than a standardised product produced by mass-production. Firms had to change from a product oriented approach, of the ‘mass production era' to one that is market oriented [Ansoff, 1988]. Thus as Ansoff says, â€Å"†¦whenever the future environment is expected to be discontinuous, emulation of historical successes becomes dangerous†¦Ã¢â‚¬  [pp.135] A theory is formed ideas or concepts used to describe the world to better understand it. Ideas and concepts cannot be free from bias as they are conceived by people and people possess different ideologies, values, interests and preferences. What purpose does it serve? A theory is devised to serve certain purposes and functions. Theories on strategy are formulated, to a certain extent, to keep management consultants employed. There is a need to question the validity of such theories and the methodology employed to apply them. BCG's business portfolio analysis makes what is widely known as the ‘experience curve' assumption. This states that the costs of production should go down with cumulative physical output. Thus, the report reasons that because Honda has already achieved high production volumes in Japan, it had a cost advantage. But were Honda's production costs low because of high volume or because of it employed production methods that were more sophisticated? It also assumes that a business is a cash system, that is its cash flows depend on relative market share and industry growth rate. This allows the classification of businesses or products into four categories a ‘star', a ‘cash cow', a ‘dog' and a ‘?'. It assumes that the classification is relevant and applies to all business. Under these two assumptions, its strategic analysis and recommendations will be valid. However, as all models, it self-selects the kind of data that is compatible with it – in this case return on investment (ROI) and cash flows. The main problem with this approach lies with its narrow classification scheme, which may not capture the entire picture, such as the uniqueness and problems of a business [Mitroff]. ROI and cash flows represent only the financial dimension of a company. Other factors such as technology, reputation and life of the organisation have to be taken into account.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Foundations of Marketing essay

Foundations of Marketing essay Foundations of Marketing essay Foundations of Marketing essayIn order to determine the final selling price that Sports Depot charges for a SPI basketball, it is necessary to determine the selling price of Wholesale Supply that is the entry price for Sports Depot. It is known that SPI sells basketballs to Wholesale Supply for $8.00. It is also known that Wholesale Supply uses a 20% markup for basketballs. Knowing that the markup is calculated in relation to the selling price (Pride and Ferrell 331) and denoting selling price of Wholesale supply as X, it is possible to construct the following relationship: X / ($8 + X) = 0.20. This relationship means that markup constitutes 20% of the selling price for Wholesale Supply.This equation can be rewritten as: X = 0.20 * ($8 + X).X = 0.20 * $8 + 0.2 * X.X – 0.2 * X = $ * X = $1.6X = $1.6 / 0.8 = $2.The value of markup used by Wholesale Supply is $2 and the selling price used by Wholesale Supply is $8 + $2 = $10. The percentage of markup used by Sports Depot i s also 20%. It is possible to construct a similar equation for determining the value of markup and selling price for Sports Depot.X / ($10 + X) = * X = $2. X = $2.5.The value of markup used by Sports Depot is $2.5 and the final selling price charged by Sports Depot for a SPI basketball is $10 + $2.50 = $12.50. This answer applies to the situation when Sports Depot does add a markup to the selling price. There are cases when Sports Depot sells SPI basketballs at cost; in such cases, the selling price charged by Sports Depot is $10.Status quo pricing objective is defined as the price objective aimed at maintaining current price levels or matching the prices of the competitors(Pride and Ferrell 333). If status quo pricing in this case means matching the prices of the competitors, Sports Depot can easily do this because current prices charged by Sports Depot are lower than the prices charged by competing retailers. Furthermore, the profits of Sports Depot will increase if the c ompany chooses the match the prices charged by competitors.If status quo in this case means maintaining current prices, Sports Depot can achieve such pricing objectives if it has enough resources to operate with low profits or no profit at all. Indeed, Sports Depot sells goods at lower prices compared to competitors’ prices, so the profits gained by Sports Depot are lower. It is likely that the company uses aggressive marketing strategy to increase its market share.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Drugs essays

Drugs essays Drugs have become a very serious problem in the United States. They have become a component of ones every day lives. This Nations reliance on drugs for pleasure, depression, and medical relief dominates the political and economic scene. Much debate over the drug issue occurs daily. Pleasure is one of the main reasons for drug use in America. Drugs are used daily by all different age groups. Some of the more common drugs used are marijuana, alcohol, cigarettes, and heroin. Among the younger users, marijuana, alcohol, and cigarettes are most prevalent in our society. Alcohol is widely used by both adults and teens. More often than ever we are seeing younger kids get in alcohol related accidents. It is becoming heavily abused as each minute passes by. More and more people are getting addicted to alcohol and are running their lives. Sure, it does give them a buzz and a good feeling for a while, but once one gets addicted it can totally ruin their life. Marijuana is also a very harmful drug. When one uses it for pleasure, they are looking for a high that last for four or five hours. A person might just start to smoke once in a while, but before no time, they are addicted to it and theres no turning back. Marijuana is known to be a stepping stone. That is true, 90% of those using hard drugs, such as heroin, started with marijuana. People do get a high and do feel good but overall marijuana is bad for you. If used as a teen it can cause retarding of the normal brain cells. Cigarettes on the other hand are not thought of as being a drug. Well they are. Cigarettes are probably the easiest drug to get a hold of. When a person smokes, they not only put themselves in danger but they put other in danger also. When a person lights up a cigarette they get short buzz. At the same time they are also harming their bodys. Nicotine, which is what gets people add...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

10 Fascinating Facts About Aphids

10 Fascinating Facts About Aphids As the joke goes, aphids suck. And while this is both literally and figuratively true, in some respects, any entomologist will tell you that aphids are interesting and sophisticated insects. Aphids Poop Sugar Aphids feed by piercing the phloem tissue of the host plant and sucking up the sap. Unfortunately, sap is mostly sugar, so an aphid must consume a lot of sap to meet its nutritional requirement for protein.  Much of what the aphid consumes goes to waste. The excess sugar is eliminated in the form of a sugary droplet called honeydew. An aphid-infested plant quickly becomes coated in the sticky excretions. Sugar-Loving Ants Tend to Some Aphids Anyone who has battled sugar ants in their kitchen can tell you that ants have a sweet tooth. Ants are therefore very fond of bugs that can poop large quantities of sugar. Aphid-herding ants will care for their adopted aphids, carrying them from plant to plant and milking them for honeydew. In exchange for the sweet treats they get from the aphids in their care, they provide the aphids with protection from predators and parasites. Some ants even take the aphids home to their nest during the winter months, keeping them safe until spring. Aphids Have a Lot of Enemies Im not just talking about gardeners, either. Aphids are slow, theyre plump, and theyre sweet to eat (presumably). A single plant can host hundreds or even thousands of aphids, offering predators a real smorgasbord of snacks. Aphid eaters include lady beetles, lacewings, minute pirate bugs, hoverfly larvae, big-eyed bugs, damsel bugs, and certain stinging wasps, among others. Entomologists even have a term for the many insects that feed on aphids – aphidophagous. Aphids Have Tailpipes Most aphids have a pair of tubular structures on their hind ends, which entomologists describe as looking like tiny tailpipes. These structures, called cornicles or sometimes siphunculi, seem to serve a defensive purpose. When threatened, an aphid releases a waxy fluid from the cornicles. The sticky substance gums up the mouth of the predator in pursuit and is thought to trap parasitoids before they can infect the aphid. Aphids Sound an Alarm When Theyre in Trouble Like many insects, some aphids use alarm pheromones to broadcast a threat to other aphids in the area. The aphid under attack releases these chemical signals from its cornicles, sending nearby aphids running for cover. Unfortunately for the aphids, some lady beetles have learned the aphid language, too. The lady beetles follow the alarm pheromones to locate an easy meal. Aphids Fight Back Aphids may look defenseless, but they dont go down without a fight. Aphids are expert kickboxers and will pummel their pursuers with their hind feet. Some aphids bear spines that make them challenging to chew on, and others are merely thick-skinned. Aphids are also known to go on the offensive, stabbing the eggs of predatory insects to kill their enemies in vitro. If all else fails, aphids stop, drop, and roll off their host plant to escape predation. Some Aphids Employ Soldiers for Protection Although not common, certain gall-making aphids produce special soldier nymphs to protect the group. These female guards never molt into adulthood, and their sole purpose is to protect and serve. Aphid soldiers are fiercely committed to their job and will sacrifice themselves if needed. Soldier aphids often have burly legs with which they can detain or squeeze intruders. Aphids Lack Wings (Until They Need Them) Aphids are generally apterous (wingless), and unable to fly. As you might imagine, this can put them at a considerable disadvantage if environmental conditions deteriorate, since they arent very mobile. When the host plant becomes a little too crowded with hungry aphids, or if its sucked dry and theres a lack of sap, the aphids may need to disperse and find new host plants. Thats when wings come in handy. Aphids will periodically produce a generation of alates – winged adults capable of flight. Flying aphids dont set any aviation records, but they can ride a wind gust with some skill to relocate. Female Aphids Can Reproduce Without Mating Because aphids have so many predators, their survival depends on their numbers. A quick and easy way to boost the population is to dispense with the nonsense of mating. Female aphids are parthenogenetic, or capable of virgin births, no males required. Like Russian nesting dolls, a female aphid may carry developing young, which are themselves already carrying developing young. This significantly shortens the development cycle and increases population numbers rapidly. Aphids Give Birth to Live Young You might expect a bug that seems so primitive to lay eggs like more other insects do, but aphids are pretty sophisticated when it comes to reproduction. There isnt time to wait for eggs to develop and hatch. So aphids practice viviparity, giving birth to live young. The aphids eggs begin to develop as soon as ovulation occurs, without any fertilization. Sources: Insects: Their Natural History and Diversity, by Stephen A. MarshallEncyclopedia of Entomology, 2nd edition, edited by John L. CapineraAphid Ecology: An Optimization Approach, by Anthony Frederick George Dixon

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Constitutional Challenges Associated With Investigating Cybercrimes Term Paper

Constitutional Challenges Associated With Investigating Cybercrimes - Term Paper Example However, these developments have presented the world with new types of threats that can potentially compromise security, privacy, and safety of the internet users. As a result, there have emerged modern systems of law enforcement that are aimed at providing security and order and at the same time maintaining liberty and freedom in an open society. Rapid technological developments have called for intense policing of cyberspace as these developments have threatened to cyber security not just in individual countries, but has also transcended individual countries boundaries (Walden, 2005). Cyber security has been threatened by the new methods of communications and increasing freedom and anonymity in communications. There has been increasing need to balance between providing order and security in the cyberspace and maintaining freedom and liberty in the society. Cybercrime is the term that is being in describing security challenges and threats that the cyberspace is facing in the face of rapid technological developments. In simple terms, cybercrimes are defined as any criminal acts which deal with computer networks and computers. Also, cybercrimes are defined as the criminal acts or offences which are committed against groups of individuals or individuals with a criminal intentions aimed at harming the reputation and status of the victims or to cause mental or physical harm to the victim either indirectly or directly, through the use of modern networks of telecommunications such as the mobile phones and the internet. Cybercrimes not only threatens individuals’ security, but also threatens national and international security. Issues that surround cybercrimes include copyright infringement, child grooming, financial theft, privacy, cracking, espionage, cyber terrorism and child pornography among others (Hinde, 2003). It is agreeable tha t cybercrimes is one of the most serious crimes that the world is facing currently as it threatens not only individuals’ security but also national and international security. The serious nature of these crimes is evident by the intense measures that have been put in place to counter them both at the national and international levels (Taylor and Morgan, 2002). There are concerted efforts among all the telecommunications players, national governments, and the international community to counter cybercrimes and the threats that such crimes present. However, whereas there is the desire to counter cyber crimes at all levels, this desire and efforts are hampered by the various challenges associated with investigation and prosecution of cybercrimes. One of the main challenges that face efforts to counter cybercrimes is constitutional challenges. In particular, constitutional challenges greatly hamper the efforts to investigate cybercrimes (Walden, 2005). In order to have a deeper un derstanding of how constitutional challenges affect cybercrimes investigation, this paper will seek to analyze the constitutional challenges and how they are associated with investigating cybercrimes. In the United States, just like in most countries of the world, all the laws and procedures and practices such as investigation and prosecution should be consistent with the constitutio

Friday, October 18, 2019

The role of Project Management to an Organization Essay

The role of Project Management to an Organization - Essay Example The project management cycle undergoes a five-step approach; they are initiation, planning, execution, monitoring/control and closure. Initiation is a process involving the giving of an overview of how the project looks like, and the strategy implemented in the organizations plan. This is done to achieve the desired results and in addition, it is where a project manager is appointed to guide the rest of project members due to his or her experience and skills. Planning is the second step, which includes risk assessment alongside defining the system used in order complete the plan. Execution and control are the third and fourth step respectively, which involves planning a solution used for the implementation of solving problems noted in the requirements of a project. Closure, which is the fifth and last step, involves a manager ensuring the little things in a project receive a proper conclusion, when the formal project review is written.The benefits attained from a good project managem ent includes, a delivery service that is better and efficient since, it provides a â€Å"roadmap† that can be easily followed for the purposes of project completion. The other benefit is, customer satisfaction is improved, increased and enhanced such that, when a project is completed in good time a customer can be happy and recommend you for more work. The third benefit is that, service delivery is made effective and enhanced. The improvement of growth and development of a team is another benefit. since, when a project yields positive results, a team commands much respect and inspires the team to work harder. A greater competitive and standing edge is another benefit when a good project is implemented. The other benefits will include better flexibility, increase in quality and quantity and increased risk assessment. As mentioned earlier, planning is the second phase for any project management cycle to be successful. It includes a breakdown and assignment that should be detailed of the task in your project from the time it commences to the time it ends. It involves taking risks of the assessment and being able to define the steps needed for the successful of a task completion. Research is an important factor in planning because it gives a chance of choosing

Strategies of Nokia and Nestle and their competitive advantage in the Essay

Strategies of Nokia and Nestle and their competitive advantage in the industry - Essay Example It is vital part of organizational success as it not only helps them to survive but also facilitates in maintaining competitive edge against their rivals in the industry. Business strategies are actions plans developed to achieve the vision, mission and objectives of the organizations over a long period of time. Porter (1996) says that competitive strategy is doing business differently to give value to the customers and maintain leverage. The strategic plans therefore, are vital ingredients that allow firms to be flexible and innovative so that they can absorb environmental changes and evolve to maintain one’s market position. The report is primarily an effort to analyze the business strategies of Nokia and Nestle which have made tremendous changes within their strategies to create niche market position in the domestic and global market. Outline of strategic issues of Nokia Nokia is a Finnish conglomerate that has incredible growth story. It has emerged as a flagship company mainly because it was able to anticipate and preempt environmental changes to evolve new strategies. The foresightedness of its managerial leadership was able to steer it to its present success. There were three major strategic issues with Nokia which needed to be creatively designed and developed to facilitate leadership position in the global market. The first one was to redefine its strategies towards its low performing business activities which did not offer long term sustainability of good profits or prospects. The second was to identify the business which had wide scope prospects vis-a-vis business opportunities across the globe. Third and the last one was to ensure that the products should be able to meet the changing demands of the global customers and should have futuristic scope to attract them. These were critical issues which needed to be addressed urgently by the compa ny so that its vision of becoming a successful global entity could be expedited and realized. 3.1.1 Situation analysis of Nokia Finland was a rich but small nation that was bogged down with geographical hardships that made it difficult to adopt traditional technology to improve its communication and other related development processes. It initially had diverse interests comprising of tire manufacturing, paper production, consumer electronics and telecommunication equipment. The disinvestment of many of its business activities helped it to focus on telecommunication. It was one of the companies that had pioneered wireless technology to overcome geographical constraints of near arctic conditions which made cable based telecommunication a difficult and expensive venture. Indeed, strategic planning is at the heart of business strategy. Bateman and Snell (2009:132) emphasize that planning is ‘the conscious, systematic process of making decisions about goals and activities that an i ndividual, group, work unit or organization will pursue in future’. Nokia had demonstrated its leadership initiative by disinvesting its low prospect business activities and correctly identifying potential in the telecommunication where wireless technology had offered huge scope for business expansion. It was focused on organization’s long term goals and objectives for its success and growth. It explicitly emphasized the unique activities and approaches of Nokia leadership for delivering its strategic goals and objectives. Kotler & Keller (2007) have stressed the need to be innovative and service oriented. Nokia was able to align its strategic action

Chapter 11, Who Owns History The Texas Textbook Controversy found in Essay

Chapter 11, Who Owns History The Texas Textbook Controversy found in Wheeler, Discovering the American Past, Volume II, 7th edition (pages 349-384) - Essay Example (Wheeler and Becker, Discovering the American Past, 354). It as necessitated an action to be taken by the Texas Board of Education in deciding what to give to the students and what to live out. It has brought such a heated debate amongst people from all fields. Many people are insisting that only few segments of history should be taught to the students. Therefore, it should include the role played by capitalist in the American economy and nation building, role played by military in their respective fields. In additions, roles played by Christians and their faith and the last should be the role played by republican figures. (Wheeler and Becker, Discovering the American Past, 361) If these changes are effected, it means that even the other states will be affected by the same. Texas as a state buys millions of books each and every year. They also make sure that their publications are of high standards, and this makes the other states willing their books. They also review their curriculu m once every ten years, in accordance with the Texas educational standards. The voting line, on what to be taught or not, will depend largely on the party lines; this is republicans and democrats. It is because individual parties believe there aspects that should be shown and others to be left out. There are those who think history in America has been diluted, while others believe that that history should just be re-written. It has, therefore, led to the creation of conservatives and liberals, who at the end of the day have different thoughts and opinions on American history (Wheeler and Becker, Discovering the American Past, 371). Conservatives are mostly outside Texas, and they are found in states such as California. Their argument is that, history should not be changed or re-written. It will in turn see their history books remain the same as before. Liberals, on the other hand,

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Research essay Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Essay - Research Paper Example Engineering is a special stream of implementing scientific concepts for the ease of mankind. From manufacturing a pen to the building of mega structures, like skyscrapers and mammoth naval vessels, engineering has been a technique to stride over decades by one simple innovation and invention. As sciences are attributed for being a self correcting knowledge, engineering has been a practical example. It involves risks and stakes that can cost even thousands of lives, and at the same time it can help millions of lives to live well. As it is seen, even today, that people are prone to the results of their tests and trials in the field of engineering, disasters sometimes become complementary. It is therefore necessary to analyze one such epitome that can provide an example of what was deemed and what was harvested. In modern times uncalled for events do occur. They somehow manage to escape in depth analysis and scrutiny for contingencies. A system that is aimed for the sake of ease of mank ind goes out of control and costs people dearly, should be thoroughly studies from different angles in order to be avoided in future. One such event of our times is discussed here. The event, which will be discussed, is a major engineering failure that reminds every engineer of the outcomes of an under-engineered system design. Case of â€Å"Chernobyl disaster, that gobbled heavy life toll and exposed many to nuclear radiation, is one of the biggest examples of modern times†. (NEA) The Soviets were in charge of the site and its operations and they were in the know about the potential nuclear hazards that could kick off anytime during its operation. As known for their use of crude technology and low level of quality assurance in engineering sector, Soviets took the issue trivially. â€Å"On 26th April, 1986, the nuclear plant that was inducted with low quality and under-engineered steam turbines and fissile material, started malfunctioning†. (safetycouncil.org.nz) This malfunctioning was of very serious nature as the steam turbines showed a stark increase in revolution due to spike in uranium fission reaction. Soon the steam turbines started reaching its maximum revolution capacity and blew up with a thud. The explosion engrossed fissures in the main core which started melting. Eventually the whole core melted and the proximity areas caught fire. The bursting of core emanated tremendous radioactive waves and particles that in the form of a radioactive fallout engulfed large swathes of USSR (Ionizing Radiation, 23). Region in a circle of more than a hundred miles was immersed in this catastrophic fall out. A cost of â€Å"Ruble 18 billion was spent and around 500,000 rescue workers and volunteers started emergency operations in the radiation stricken area†. The failure to comprehend the sensitivity of advance engineering practices to ensure nuclear core development is what is being said as the main reason for such a big loss (Yamada, 4). An answer to the question of what actually went wrong with the nuclear reactor is now clear. International organizations like IAEA have been able to formulize basic requisite for the development and deployment of such facilities. The engineering field has been given a specialized faculty of Nuclear Engineering and Engineering Management to ensure fidelity with the international practices of engineering. An analysis shows that there was â€Å"no energy-spike-control mechanism†. (secondsfromdisaster.net) Further the boilers and steam turbines were not segregated from

Strategic Management Analysis The Thomson Travel Group PLC Essay

Strategic Management Analysis The Thomson Travel Group PLC - Essay Example The company in 2002 changed its formal name from Thomson Holidays Limited to TUI UK, Ltd. Presently it is operating as Thomson Holidays, a brand of its parent company TUI Travel Plc. delivering their services to vacation travel retailers. It is primarily a UK based group serving both travel and tourism packages in the national as well as international markets. The group operates its air-line services in European region, Australasia, Asia, the Middle East, and America, employing nearly 18000 people at present. (Bloomberg L.P., 2010). Apart from airlines the group also owns a number of cruises named as Thomson Cruises, offering lower cost Europe tour through water. Additionally, the group also feature many holiday resorts to serve their customers a cheaper and comfortable holiday experiences. With a difference to the prospects of mere holiday packages, the group has also destined its path in publishing several magazines and brochures defining the types of packages offered and there pricing thereof giving its advertisement sector an effective touch. Some of the published magazines are, Thomson Destinations and Summer Sun, Thomson Destinations Florida among others (My Holiday Co. 2010).

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Research essay Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Essay - Research Paper Example Engineering is a special stream of implementing scientific concepts for the ease of mankind. From manufacturing a pen to the building of mega structures, like skyscrapers and mammoth naval vessels, engineering has been a technique to stride over decades by one simple innovation and invention. As sciences are attributed for being a self correcting knowledge, engineering has been a practical example. It involves risks and stakes that can cost even thousands of lives, and at the same time it can help millions of lives to live well. As it is seen, even today, that people are prone to the results of their tests and trials in the field of engineering, disasters sometimes become complementary. It is therefore necessary to analyze one such epitome that can provide an example of what was deemed and what was harvested. In modern times uncalled for events do occur. They somehow manage to escape in depth analysis and scrutiny for contingencies. A system that is aimed for the sake of ease of mank ind goes out of control and costs people dearly, should be thoroughly studies from different angles in order to be avoided in future. One such event of our times is discussed here. The event, which will be discussed, is a major engineering failure that reminds every engineer of the outcomes of an under-engineered system design. Case of â€Å"Chernobyl disaster, that gobbled heavy life toll and exposed many to nuclear radiation, is one of the biggest examples of modern times†. (NEA) The Soviets were in charge of the site and its operations and they were in the know about the potential nuclear hazards that could kick off anytime during its operation. As known for their use of crude technology and low level of quality assurance in engineering sector, Soviets took the issue trivially. â€Å"On 26th April, 1986, the nuclear plant that was inducted with low quality and under-engineered steam turbines and fissile material, started malfunctioning†. (safetycouncil.org.nz) This malfunctioning was of very serious nature as the steam turbines showed a stark increase in revolution due to spike in uranium fission reaction. Soon the steam turbines started reaching its maximum revolution capacity and blew up with a thud. The explosion engrossed fissures in the main core which started melting. Eventually the whole core melted and the proximity areas caught fire. The bursting of core emanated tremendous radioactive waves and particles that in the form of a radioactive fallout engulfed large swathes of USSR (Ionizing Radiation, 23). Region in a circle of more than a hundred miles was immersed in this catastrophic fall out. A cost of â€Å"Ruble 18 billion was spent and around 500,000 rescue workers and volunteers started emergency operations in the radiation stricken area†. The failure to comprehend the sensitivity of advance engineering practices to ensure nuclear core development is what is being said as the main reason for such a big loss (Yamada, 4). An answer to the question of what actually went wrong with the nuclear reactor is now clear. International organizations like IAEA have been able to formulize basic requisite for the development and deployment of such facilities. The engineering field has been given a specialized faculty of Nuclear Engineering and Engineering Management to ensure fidelity with the international practices of engineering. An analysis shows that there was â€Å"no energy-spike-control mechanism†. (secondsfromdisaster.net) Further the boilers and steam turbines were not segregated from

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Answers to Prompt Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Answers to Prompt Questions - Essay Example However, the idea of Plato that knowledge is inclined more on the non-sensible Forms contradicts his own metaphysical claim that Forms would depend upon the interpretation of the philosopher’s works. According to Irwin (154), Plato’s epistemological claim states that â€Å"these Forms are inaccessible to the senses.† While Plato expressed that his metaphysical claim is â€Å"the Form of F has properties that no sensible F can have.† However, according to Silverman, epistemology is about the acquisition of knowledge and what knowledge is (Silverman). On the other hand, metaphysics is anything which can be thought and said to be. One cannot fully endorse Plato’s theory of Forms as there are difference in interpretations and opinions of the said work. Not all knowledge is being considered as knowledge by the philosopher. It is only those people who have philosophical thoughts or the non-sensible ideas which are being considered as knowledgeable. This p roposition does not apply to those who are exerting more on their physical capabilities. Acquiring skills can still be considered as knowledgeable by other people or group of thinkers, but not Plato. The idea quite discriminate skill workers which are very much part of the society especially with regards to the economic and workforce aspect. Though what the skilled are doing is sensible, their actions are still knowledge because they are thinking what to do next on a systematic manner. In this aspect, the famous line â€Å"I think, therefore I am† by Rene Descartes can come into context (Irwin, 148-55; Silverman; Russell, 516). Plato makes people seem that knowledge is unachievable which is contradicted by Descartes. According to the latter, there is no perfect knowledge. If the idea proposed by Descartes would be considered, one can be considered knowledgeable without the need to measure up to forms or criterions. Descartes may not have proven to everyone the existence of Go d; however, he had proclaimed its existence in his works. The author stated that the knowledge which a person acquires is from a supreme being, which is God. This is supported by the statement: But after I have discovered that God exists, seeing I also at the same time observed that all things depend on him, that he is no deceiver, and thence inferred that all which I clearly and distinctly perceive is of necessity true: although I no longer attend to the grounds of a judgment, no opposite reason can be alleged sufficient to lead me to doubt of its truth, provided only I remember that I once possessed a clear and distinct comprehension of it. (Descartes & Veitch, 109) There might be no concrete evidence to prove the existence of God. Nevertheless, knowing within the self that a supreme being exists is enough to convince the self and preach about its existence or truthfulness to others. Though there is neither a concrete fact nor a distinct indication of God’s existence, Desca rtes proposed his readers to meditate and reach within the self to be freed from the doubt that is covering them from recognizing the presence of a higher power. In most if not all of the writings attributed to Descartes, there is always an indication towards the existence and acknowledgement to the things created and attributed to the power and creation of God as the Supreme Being and higher power (Russell, 515-20; Descartes & Veitch, 103-10). There will always be people who would be skeptic upon the idea of God’

Monday, October 14, 2019

Simone De Beauvoir: Gender and Sex

Simone De Beauvoir: Gender and Sex Simone de Beauvoir’s Insights Towards Gender and Status Is there any wonder that Simone de Beauvoir rejected the idea that gender  has innate characteristics from birth? As a woman philosopher living in a man’s world I believe she fully understood what she was talking about. The writings in her world renowned book ‘The Second Sex’ written in 1947 give us a historical and cultural lesson of what women have had to overcome to exist as women in a man’s world. Men and women are both influenced by their conditioning the main difference is that man has been attributed the leading role. Times are changing and Simone de Beauvoir has played an important role in our attempt to undo the erroneous programming. Today’s leading ladies have proven their capacities at playing the part. Simone de Beauvoir’s example of what a woman that is intelligent can do in life by her straightforward, honest approach may be the stepping stones for other women to fearlessly do the same. As far back as the 10th century ideas of antifeminism have haunted the women of the world. The handful of women that were in the limelight were usually obliterated for witchcraft as in the case of Jeanne D’Arc or publicly ridiculed or at worse martyred. Women as the lesser sex have been depicted as temptresses from Bible days which at the same time undermined their intelligence. This dual image which has conditioned women to see themselves as passive beings who lie in wait for men to save, them or come and love them and their counterparts the devouring temptresses who take what they want and leave the rest behind including their intelligence is what Simone de Beauvoir sees as our conditioning. This conditioning starts at a very early age when there are no apparent differences between baby girls and baby boys. They are both at this early age totally in need of nurturing and physical contact which they thrive upon. This loving care is exactly the same up until a certain moment w hen the baby is weaned. According to Simone De Beauvoir from that point on boys are taught to become little men and they receive less physical contact and affection than their girl counterparts; They are also a product of their conditioning just as we are. This is an important thing to remember throughout this reading. Boys and girls alike are part of their environmental conditioning through family heritage, cultural traditions, religious beliefs and historical beliefs. As children we all have the same attitudes of temper tantrums, pouting, charming our parents then we are in fact the same until our environment gives us another outlook upon ourselves. Little girls quickly learn that they need to be careful. They need to act like little ladies not climbing trees and skinning knees as their brothers are encouraged to do. This myth starts very early with the family attitude about the physical differences between sexes. Boys have an outward expression of their masculinity which turns th em rapidly into having something to be proud of. This expression of self that has, in the eyes of the parents, a value becomes what the boy measures himself to other boys with. It’s a tactile indicator of their manliness and gives them the instinct of measurability. How long their sex is and how far they can urinate. The inevitable presence of their extension gives them a power of object. Women are inwardness. All of their discoveries are inward and therefore left unsaid. You can’t see much of the sex of a little girl so it is not made a fuss over as boy’s sexes are. Girls try to express their transfer towards an object to a doll for example. This treating a doll as herself gives her the idea that the substance is the same and therefore she is someone to dress up to cater to, that has an existence because others make her exist. Later on in life she will eventually become that doll thing that sits home waiting for her husband and children to pick her up and do as they please with her. Just as she idled away her childhood she idles away the hours of her parenthood, or wifehood at home staving off boredom with no particular goals or worlds to conquer. Boys grow up with the idea that they are going somewhere and have something to accomplish and will assume responsibilities along the way. They learn at around 13 yrs. old that the answer may not come out in words but through violence. A girl wills repress her own violence because girls don’t do that sort of thing. This violence turns into neurosis which in part is violence unexpressed which comes back to oneself eventually. Simone De Beauvoir was avant guard when she recognized the fact that women have their own part of violence at that age but we do not allow ourselves to express it. We are simply not encouraged socially, historically or culturally to express it. Where progress has been made is that more and more women are training in martial arts which are a positive way to express their inner violence. What upset our mothers, and depending on what conditioning you were also given, was the pre- established path chosen for us no matter what we would like to become. Once the path was set then fear was quickly to follow. What path? The path that says no matter what education you receive you will end up a wife and mother then grandmother. This is a frightening aspect of the growing girl’s plight. She will not only have to learn to become a woman, a wife, a mother and a grandmother. She can study all that she would like but there is no real asking of her to do so or to assume the responsibilities that this implies. She’ll marry then stop working to have children and her husband’s career will prevail and take on the traditional role of breadwinner. Perhaps today’s economy has obliged young women to be career assertive but maybe not for the right reasons. Career minded because families are not withstanding without two good salaries to support them. The outer exp ression of sexual pride may still be baring the road. The fact that a young woman can be a productive and important member of our society and that she also has her contribution to make does not seem to impress upon girls as it does on boys. There are so many frightening biological events in the life of a young girl who is becoming a woman that possessing her own inward sexuality is a complicated task. Young men can see theirs, be proud of it, and use it where as young girls have to deal with what biologically is imposed upon them. Their menstrual cycles which alter their characters for several days a month is in itself part of the mystery of womanhood. The changes in her body that may lead her to withdrawal because now she is becoming the object so desired by men. The doll has come of age and can now be manoeuvred accordingly. This is a moment in time when many young women become anorexic keeping their bodies at bay and stopping the menstrual cycle as if time would stand still. The onset of an eventual pregnancy, abortion risk, risks during pregnancy, menopause and all the choices that implies has made being a woman probably more complicated than being a man. What is very interesting to remark according to statistics there are a large majority of women that would prefer being men. Men in a very small minority if they had the choice would have preferred being a woman. There is the unfortunate, radical, feminist view of continuously proving that women can be more or better than men by doing the same things and acting the same way.. I find this unfortunate. If we want equality then we should be striving for equal respect and equal rights not superiority and domination which are what has made us suffer from the ages. Women finding ways to be assertive, well-balanced, brilliant, and effective is what can give us our strength in today’s world. It was unthought-of at the time of French sculpt rice Camille Claudel that a woman could surpass the master. Camille Claudel would never have broken through the layers of men to get to where she did in the arts if she hadn’t had the support of her father firstly and Rodin. Once Rodin retracted she lost all prestige and control over her life. There is the great Mexican artist Frida Kahlo who also had the support of her father interestingly enough and that of a great Mexican artist as well. Both fathers in these two examples gave their support to their daughters which were probably what they would have received if they were sons instead of daughters. In the face of talent and genius these men were supportive and able to recognize potential. How many other Sunday morning painters got left by the roadside because they were not recognized in virtue of their talents but because of their gender? What did the world wars teach us about women? It taught us that in the absence of brothers, cousins, fathers, and husbands they were capable of running a country from industry to education the national health Women kept their families fed, clothed, and sheltered during the war. We are not warriors are heart but have the same potential. There are examples in history like Amazons and Jeanne d’Arc of women capable of leading armies and warring. We could have been cultivated as war lords also but weren’t. Women are givers of life and that is probably what gives us the incentive to promote peace culture instead of war. No woman wants to see her sons, daughters, husband, brothers or sisters go off to war and not come back. The peace movement has a majority of women supporters and that seems to go with the fact that life giving is still our realm. The political world has opened up it’s doors to women within the last twenty years. Before that time there was usually a woman behind a great man in the shadows and there to decorate the photographs for the press more than for her opinions. In France there were three woman ministers elected in the late 70’s. This was a turning point. The paradox comes in when women fought in the French resistance showing their bravery and didn’t obtain the right to vote until two years after the war was over. The equality act was also pronounced shortly after women’s right to vote. This maintaining of women in a conditioned status has been painful for us and is now becoming painful to our male counterparts who are seeking the limits of their own identity. Women are now brought up and beginning to think for themselves, what they want out of life, what they are going to do to get what they need. This is a true cultural revolution. If the conditioning has begun to change then women shall become women and know themselves. Thus knowing themselves they will become decision makers, and active citizens not through man’s making but through their own. This fundamental step has been operating since May 1968 even though precursors since ancient times have been trying to change this. Simone de Beauvoir succeeded in starting the league for Women’s Rights and was a militant for family planning. Giving back to women the right to do what they need to do with their own bodies was an essential step in accepting the responsibilities that are incumbent for every human being either man or woman. The big waking up of our society started with her book and has continued to live on inspiring women to take the responsibility for their lives as a person and an equal which gives them a lot more freedom than it did our mothers. The social role was encouraging us look pretty but please don’t say anything. Mediocrity amongst woman rose as her only idea of self was stemming from what others mirrored her. Her husband and her family were her only mirrors and connection with the world. He went out in the world she quietly stayed home or followed in the shadows. If an intelligent woman did express herself she was ridiculed in public and could not be accepted for her thoughts. The Marie Curie’s and other thinkers are a small handful of the potential that women have been suppressing since the beginning of time. Women are beginning to realize that no matter what their conditioning since birth they can change the course of events in their lives. Taking their own responsibility for their own lives and what is to become of them is the next chapter in our evolution. Women are finally starting to be raised to believe in themselves and their capacities. Ask a little girl today what she wants to become later and she might surprise you and answer â€Å"an astronaut, a research worker, an architect â€Å". We are far from the days of Simone de Beauvoir’s struggle to live in a man’s world. I think that men are having trouble adjusting to this change. They are becoming more and more aware of women’s presence in the work field and their contribution as fellow citizens. Their own identity has been questioned and ours is beginning to grow and develop. This cleavage will be difficult to stabilize  since all related gender problems have finally come to the surface, the debate is whether or not women that are raising their children can make the ‘shift’ to raising their sons and daughters alike. The story perhaps begins and ends with women. Are we going to keep attributing to ourselves the role models that went before us? Or are we finally going to break the bondage of what we have been made to think of ourselves? There has come a time when the individual man or woman will begin to raise his consciousness and choose him or herself first. Not in and egotistical way but to ask oneself the question ‘†What do I need for myself right now to be in agreement with myself?† When finally women and men have worked on themselves enough to be able at any moment to ask themselves that question then it is definitely not a question of gender but autonomy. Do women want their autonomy? Is the easy way out or women to continue a mediocre existence to take the easy way out and let this be a man’s world and a state of dependency and submission? Men take their independence and unfortunately women think or have been taught to think theirs is to be earned. Men believe it is their right from the beginning. Women ask permission for it and in most circumstances and it never comes. Leaving behind all the social prejudice and family prejudice and historical and cultural prejudice can only be the choice of women. Simone de Beauvoir showed us that a woman is herself and can dare to be herself if she so chooses. Although this idea will not appeal to some, women are running for presidential office these days and hold important functions within our highest auspices while Simone’s message has probably hit home. Women are accepting to be themselves without asking permission to do so. Men are battling with their own conditioning and their own identity problems due to this conditioning. In order to create a balance it will take time and courage. Women for peace, for children’s rights, for non-vi olence, for equal education and career rights have united all over the world to speak their piece. A beautiful French song that implies women as being men’s future. could hold a lot of truth in these words. Thinking back on the historical events and cultural ideas about gender it must have taken great incentive for a woman like Simone de Beauvoir de openly and honestly explore the femaleness and the contradictions of our times. It is also easy to comprehend why men find it so difficult to understand us when we are on the brink of finding ourselves as people and as women. Perhaps if our own opinion of self changes then the worlds opinion can also evolve. Starting with individual awareness can only lead to universal awareness in time. Simone de Beauvoir in her rejection of gender has put back the sparkle in the eyes of women and helped us overcome the conditioning of the years. References Simone de Beauvoir ‘ Le Deuxieme Sexe’ Galiard, Paris 1947 Nancy Bauer Contributor ‘Simone de Beauvoir Philosophy and Feminism’ Columbia University press N.Y. 2001 Isabelle De Courtivron Contributor ‘ New French Feminism’ An Anthology ED. Elaine Marks ED. Publisher University of Massachusetts press,Amherst ma. 1980 www.lang.soton.ac.uk/students/french/FrenchThought/beauvoir/ Reference to song written and sung by Jean Ferrat ‘La Femme est l’avenir de l’homme’

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Benefits and Future of Distance Education :: Education Teaching

The Benefits and Future of Distance Education What is Distance Education? Education has traditionally consisted of a student or group of students receiving instruction from a teacher; with everyone involved in one location. Distance education is changing the way instruction happens today. Distance education is "the acquisition of knowledge and/or skills wherein time and/or space separates the learner and provider" (McMahan 4). Distance education in its most basic sense happens when student(s) are in one location and the teacher(s) are in another location. In traditional education students use textbooks, listen to lectures, and use other locally available resources. In distance education students use a variety of technological resources (that is, interactive video, television, computers, and even audio and video cassettes). Distance education changes the practice of the student coming to the teacher. It gives students and teachers more flexibility and options concerning when and how to study and teach. Distance education "has provided students with more opportunities to participate in a richer, broader educational experience" (Kessler and Keefe 44) by crossing city, state, and international borders. Where Did Distance Education Come From? "Although the term distance education is of recent coinage, the concept of learning at a distance is not new at all" (Neal 40). Distance education has been around in many forms for hundreds of years. "Almost anyone who has received any formal education has at some time engaged in distance learning. The oldest and most common form of distance learning is probably homework. The teacher constructs a learning activity that can be accomplished without the presence of the teacher, and the student completes it independently, or with the assistance of someone other than the teacher" (Davey 44). Correspondence courses were the earliest form of distance education courses. "This was the accepted norm until the middle of the century, when instructional radio and television became popular" (Sherry 337). In the past, use of distance education was not widespread because the equipment was costly and difficult to use. Distance education was also a new and unknown field and our society tends to shy away from the new and unknown. The technologies currently being utilized in connection with distance education are now easier to use and are commonly available. The costs have also become more affordable, making distance education more available. The fast paced hectic life of the 20th century also makes distance learning more desirable.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Effects of computers on society :: Computer Science

Effects of computers on society Internet The internet was a major break-through in computing. It enabled people to communicate and transfer information. The internet has been around for about 30 years and is always changing. It has many different uses. It can be used for video and teleconferencing, finding information, buying products, downloading programmes and music and much more. I think that the internet has helped society a great deal. On the other hand, it does have its disadvantages as anything can be found on the internet, whether it is good or bad. If the internet is in the wrong hands it can be a very bad thing as it could be held responsible for things like rape etc. I am saying this because it is very easy for an adult to go into a chat room and pretend that they are a teenager. They could then arrange to meet up with someone, and this person would be thinking that they are a teenager. This is the disadvantage of the internet, but I feel that the good points over-power the bad. CCTV Without CCTV, crime rates would be higher and many criminals would go uncaught. Thanks to CCTV, this has changed. CCTV allows several cameras to film several different areas at the same time. If someone commits a crime and it is caught on camera, it is then taken to court and used as evidence against them. I think that this is another huge benefit to today's society. Credit Card Use/Fraud Computers allow people to use credit cards to pay for products that they buy in shops. This makes it much easier for people to buy something instead of having to pay with cash or a cheque, which takes a while to clear; they can just pay instantly with a card. Fraud is one major problem faced with credit cards. If the card it stolen, it would be relatively easy for someone to pay for products that they buy with the card, especially over the internet where no signature is required to make the payment. This is another disadvantage of the internet, that anyone's credit card can be used without consent. I think that, although fraud is an issue with credit cards, credit cards still benefit society greatly. Availability of Information This topic links in with the internet, as well as using programmes like encyclopaedias on the computer to find information. The internet has such a broad range of information on it that it would be almost impossible to not find what you are looking for. Almost any word can be typed into a search engine (e.g.

Friday, October 11, 2019

The Vampire Diaries: The Struggle Chapter Nine

â€Å"I know I'm going to be sorry I asked this,† Matt said, turning red-rimmed eyes from their contemplation of I-95 to Stefan in the passenger seat beside him. â€Å"But can you tell mewhy we want these extra-special, not-available-locally, semi-tropical weeds for Elena?† Stefan looked into the back seat at the results of their search through hedgerows and rough grass. The plants, with their branching green stems and their small-toothed leaves, did look more like weeds than anything else. The dried remains of blossoms at the ends of the shoots were almost invisible, and no one could pretend the shoots themselves were decorative. â€Å"What if I said they could be used to make an all-natural eyewash?† he offered, after a moment's thought. â€Å"Or an herbal tea?† â€Å"Why? Were you thinking of saying something like that?† â€Å"Good. Because if you did I'd probably deck you.† Without actually looking at Matt, Stefan smiled. There was something new stirring inside him, something he hadn't felt for nearly five centuries, except with Elena. Acceptance. Warmth and friendship shared with a fellow being, who did not know the truth about him, but who trusted him anyway. Who was willing to take him on faith. He wasn't sure he deserved it, but he couldn't deny what it meant to him. It almost made him feel†¦ human again. Elena stared at her image in the mirror. It hadn't been a dream. Not entirely. The wounds in her neck proved that. And now that she'd seen them, she noticed the feeling of light-headedness, of lethargy. It was her own fault. She'd taken so much trouble to warn Bonnie and Meredith not to invite any strangers into their houses. And all the time she'd forgotten that she herself had invited Damon into Bonnie's house. She'd done it that night she had set up the dumb supper in Bonnie's dining room and called out into the darkness, â€Å"Come in.† And the invitation was good forever. He could return any time he liked, even now. Especially now, while she was weak and might easily be hypnotized into unlocking a window again. Elena stumbled out of the bathroom, past Bonnie, and into the guest bedroom. She grabbed her tote bag and began stuffing things into it. â€Å"Elena, you can't go home!† â€Å"I can't stay here,† Elena said. She looked around for her shoes, spotted them by the bed, and started forward. Then she stopped, with a strangled sound. Lying on the dainty crumpled linen of the bed there was a single black feather. It was huge, horribly huge and real and solid, with a thick, waxy-looking shaft. It looked almost obscene resting there on the white percale sheets. Nausea swept over Elena, and she turned away. She couldn't breathe. â€Å"Okay, okay,† Bonnie said. â€Å"If you feel that way about it, I'll get Dad to take you home.† â€Å"You have to come, too.† It had just dawned on Elena that Bonnie was no safer in this house than she was. Youand your loved ones , she remembered, and turned to grasp Bonnie's arm. â€Å"Youhave to, Bonnie. I need you with me.† And at last she got her way. The McCulloughs thought she was hysterical, that she was overreacting, possibly that she was having a nervous breakdown. But finally they gave in. Mr. McCullough drove her and Bonnie to the Gilbert house, where, feeling like burglars, they unlocked the door and crept inside without waking anyone up. Even here, Elena couldn't sleep. She lay beside Bonnie's softly breathing form, staring toward her bedroom window, watching. Outside, the quince branches squeaked against the glass, but nothing else moved until dawn. â€Å"Stefan!† She had never been so glad to see anyone in her life. She flung herself upon him before he could even shut the car door. He swayed backward with the force of her impact, and she could feel his surprise. She wasn't usually so demonstrative in public. â€Å"Hey,† he said, returning the hug gently. â€Å"Me, too, but don't crush the flowers.† â€Å"Flowers?† She pulled back to look at what he was carrying; then, she looked at his face. Then at Matt, who was emerging from the other side of the car. Stefan's face was pale and drawn; Matt's was puffy with tiredness, with bloodshot eyes. â€Å"You'd better come inside,† she said at last, bewildered. â€Å"You both look awful.† â€Å"It's vervain,† said Stefan, some time later. He and Elena were sitting at the kitchen table. Through the open doorway, Matt could be seen stretched out on the family room sofa, snoring gently. He'd flopped there after eating three bowls of cereal. Aunt Judith, Bonnie, and Margaret were still upstairs asleep, but Stefan kept his voice low just the same. â€Å"You remember what I told you about it?† he said. â€Å"You said it helps keep your mind clear even when someone is using Power to influence it.† Elena was proud of how steady her voice was. â€Å"Right. And that's one of the things Damon might try. He can use the power of his mind even from a distance, and he can do it whether you're awake or asleep.† Tears filled Elena's eyes, and she looked down to hide them, gazing at the long slender stems with the dried remains of tiny lilac flowers at the very tips. â€Å"Asleep?† she said, afraid that this time her voice was not as steady. â€Å"Yes. He could influence you to come out of the house, say, or to let him in. But the vervain should prevent that.† Stefan sounded tired, but satisfied with himself. Oh, Stefan, if you only knew, Elena thought. The gift had come one night too late. In spite of all her efforts, a tear fell, dripping onto the long green leaves. â€Å"Elena!† He sounded startled. â€Å"What is it? Tell me.† He was trying to look into her face, but she bowed her head, pressing it into his shoulder. He put his arms around her, not trying to force her up again. â€Å"Tell me,† he repeated softly. This was the moment. If she was ever going to tell him, it should be now. Her throat felt burned and swollen, and she wanted to let all the words inside pour out. But she couldn't. No matter what, I won't let them fight over me, she thought. â€Å"It's just that – I was worried about you,† she managed. â€Å"I didn't know where you'd gone, or when you were coming back.† â€Å"That's all.† Now she would have to swear Bonnie to secrecy about the crow. Why did one lie always lead to another? â€Å"What should we do with the vervain?† she asked, sitting back. â€Å"I'll show you tonight. Once I've extracted the oil from the seeds, you can rub it into your skin or add it to a bath. And you can make the dried leaves into a sachet and carry it with you or put it under your pillow at night.† â€Å"I'd better give them to Bonnie and Meredith, too. They'll need protection.† He nodded. â€Å"For now – † He broke off a sprig and placed it in her hand. † – just take this to school with you. I'm going back to the boarding house to extract the oil.† He paused a moment and then spoke. â€Å"Elena†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"Yes?† â€Å"If I thought it would do you any good, I'd leave. I wouldn't expose you to Damon. But I don't think he'd follow me if I went, not any more. I think he might stay – because of you.† â€Å"Don't eventhink about leaving,† she said fiercely, looking up at him. â€Å"Stefan, that's the one thing I couldn't stand. Promise you won't; promise me.† â€Å"I won't leave you alone with him,† Stefan said, which was not quite the same thing. But there was no point in pushing him further. Instead, she helped him wake up Matt, and saw them both off. Then, with a stem of dried vervain in her hand, she went upstairs to get ready for school. Bonnie yawned all the way through breakfast, and she didn't really wake up until they were outside, walking to school with a brisk breeze in their faces. It was going to be a cold day. â€Å"I had a very weird dream last night,† Bonnie said. Elena's heart jumped. She'd already tucked a sprig of vervain into Bonnie's backpack, down at the bottom, where Bonnie wouldn't see it. But if Damon had gotten to Bonnie last night†¦ â€Å"What about?† she said, bracing herself. â€Å"About you. I saw you standing under a tree and the wind was blowing. For some reason, I was afraid of you, and I didn't want to go any closer. You looked†¦ different. Very pale but almost glowing. And then a crow flew down from the tree, and you reached out and grabbed it in midair. You were so fast it was unbelievable. And then you looked over at me, with this expression. You were smiling, but it made me want to run. And then you twisted the crow's neck, and it was dead.† Elena had listened to this with growing horror. Now she said, â€Å"That's adisgusting dream.† â€Å"It is, isn't it?† said Bonnie composedly. â€Å"I wonder what it means? Crows are birds of ill omen in the legends. They can foretell a death.† â€Å"Yes,† Bonnie said. â€Å"Except for one thing. I had this dreambefore you woke us all up screaming.† That day at lunchtime there was another piece of violet paper on the office bulletin board. This one, though, read simply:LOOK IN PERSONALS. â€Å"What personals?† said Bonnie. Meredith, walking up at that moment with a copy of theWildcat Weekly , the school newspaper, provided the answer. â€Å"Have you seen this?† she said. It was in the personals section, completely anonymous, with neither salutation nor signature. Ican't bear the thought of losing him. But he's so very unhappy about something, and if he won't tell me what it is, if he won't trust me that much, I don't see any hope for us. Reading it, Elena felt a burst of new energy through her tiredness. Oh, God, she hated whoever was doing this. She imagined shooting them, stabbing them, watching them fall. And then, vividly, she imagined something else. Yanking back a fistful of the thief's hair and sinking her teeth into an unprotected throat. It was a strange, unsettling vision, but for a moment it almost seemed real. She became aware that Bonnie and Meredith were looking at her. â€Å"Well?† she said, feeling slightly uncomfortable. â€Å"I could tell you weren't listening,† sighed Bonnie. â€Å"I just said it still doesn't look like Da – like the killer's work to me. It doesn't seem like a murderer would be so petty.† â€Å"Much as I hate to agree with her, she's right,† Meredith said. â€Å"This smells like someone sneaky. Someone who has a grudge against you personally and who really wants to make you suffer.† Saliva had collected in Elena's mouth, and she swallowed. â€Å"Also somebody who's familiar with the school. They had to fill out a form for a personals message in one of the journalism classes,† she said. â€Å"And somebody who knew you kept a diary, assuming they stole it on purpose. Maybe they were in one of your classes that day you took it to school. Remember? When Mr. Tanner almost caught you,† Bonnie added. â€Å"Ms. Halperndid catch me; she even read some of it aloud, a bit about Stefan. That was right after Stefan and I got together. Wait a minute, Bonnie. That night at your house when the diary was stolen, how long were you two out of the living room?† â€Å"Just a few minutes. Yangtze had stopped barking, and I went to the door to let him in, and†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Bonnie pressed her lips together and shrugged. â€Å"So the thief had to be familiar with your house,† said Meredith swiftly, â€Å"or he or she wouldn't have been able to get in, get the diary, and get out again before we saw them. All right, then, we're looking for someone sneaky and cruel, probably in one of your classes, Elena, and most likely familiar with Bonnie's house. Someone who has a personal grudge and will stoop to anything to get you†¦ Oh, my God.† The three of them stared at one another. â€Å"We're so stupid; we should have seen it right away,† said Meredith. For Elena, it meant the sudden realization that all the anger she'd felt about this before was nothing to the anger she was capable of feeling. A candle flame to the sun. â€Å"Caroline,† she said, and clenched her teeth so hard her jaw hurt. Caroline. Elena actually felt she could kill the green-eyed girl right now. And she might have rushed out to try if Bonnie and Meredith hadn't stopped her. â€Å"After school,† said Meredith firmly, â€Å"when we can take her somewhere private. Just wait that long, Elena.† But as they headed for the cafeteria, Elena noticed an auburn head disappearing down the art and music corridor. And she remembered something Stefan had said earlier this year, about Caroline taking him into the photography room at lunchtime. For privacy, Caroline had told him. â€Å"You two go on; I forgot something,† she said as soon as Bonnie and Meredith both had food on their cafeteria trays. Then she pretended to be deaf as she walked rapidly out and backtracked to the art wing. All the rooms were dark, but the photography room's door was unlocked. Something made Elena turn the knob cautiously, and move quietly once she was inside, rather than marching in to start a confrontation as she'd planned. Was Caroline in here? If so, what was she doing alone in the dark? The room appeared at first to be deserted. Then Elena heard the murmur of voices from a small alcove at the back, and she saw that the darkroom door was ajar. Silently, stealthily, she made her way until she stood just outside the doorway, and the murmur of sound resolved itself into words. â€Å"But how can we be sure she'll be the one they pick?† That was Caroline. â€Å"My father's on the school board. They'll pick her, all right.† Andthat was Tyler Smallwood. His father was a lawyer, and on every board there was. â€Å"Besides, who else would it be?† he continued. † ‘The Spirit of Fell's Church' is supposed to be brainy as well as built.† â€Å"AndI don't have brains, I suppose?† â€Å"Did I say that? Look, if you want to be the one to parade in a white dress on Founders' Day, fine. But if you want to see Stefan Salvatore run out of town on the evidence of his own girlfriend's diary†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"But why wait so long?† Tyler sounded impatient. â€Å"Because this way it'll ruin the celebration, too. TheFells' celebration. Why shouldthey get the credit for founding this town? The Smallwoods were here first.† â€Å"Oh, who cares about who founded the town? All I want is to see Elena humiliated in front of the entire â€Å"And Salvatore.† The pure hatred and malice in Tyler's voice made Elena's flesh crawl. â€Å"He'll be lucky if he doesn't end up hanging from a tree. You're sure the evidence is there?† â€Å"How many times do I have to tell you? First, it says she lost the ribbon on September second in the cemetery. Then, it says Stefan picked it up that day and kept it. Wickery Bridge is right beside the cemetery. That means Stefan was near the bridge on September second, the night the old man was attacked there. Everybody already knows he was on hand for the attacks on Vickie and Tanner. What more do you want?† â€Å"It would never stand up in court. Maybe I should get some corroborating evidence. Like ask old Mrs. Flowers what time he got home that night.† â€Å"Oh, whocares ? Most people think he's guilty already. The diary talks about some big secret he's hiding from everyone. People will get the idea.† â€Å"You're keeping it in a safe place?† â€Å"No, Tyler, I'm keeping it out on the coffee table. How stupid do you think I am?† â€Å"Stupid enough to send Elena notes tipping her off.† There was a crackle, as of newspaper. â€Å"Look at this, this is unbelievable. And it's got to stop,now. What if she figures out who's doing it?† â€Å"What's she going to do about it, call the police?† â€Å"I still want you to lay off. Just wait until Founders' Day; then you'll get to watch the Ice Princess melt.† â€Å"And to say ciao to Stefan. Tyler†¦ nobody's really going to hurt him, are they?† â€Å"Whocares?† Tyler mocked her earlier tone. â€Å"You leave that to me and my friends, Caroline. You just do your part, okay?† Caroline's voice dropped to a throaty murmur. â€Å"Convince me.† After a pause Tyler chuckled. There was movement, rustling sounds, a sigh. Elena turned and slipped out of the room as quietly as she had come in. She got into the next hallway, and then she leaned against the lockers there, trying to think. It was almost too much to absorb at once. Caroline, who had once been her best friend, had betrayed her and wanted to see her humiliated in front of the whole school. Tyler, who'd always seemed more an annoying jerk than a real threat, was planning to get Stefan driven out of town – or killed. And the worst thing was that they were using Elena's own diary to do it. Now she understood the beginning of her dream last night. She'd had a dream like it the day before she had discovered that Stefan was missing. In both, Stefan had looked at her with angry, accusing eyes, and then he had thrown a book at her feet and walked away. Not a book. Her diary. Which had in it evidence that could be deadly to Stefan. Three times people in Fell's Church had been attacked, and three times Stefan had been on the scene. What would that look And there was no way to tell the truth. Supposing she said, â€Å"Stefan isn't guilty. It's his brother Damon who hates him and who knows how much Stefan hates even the thought of hurting and killing. And who followed Stefan around and attacked people to make Stefan think maybe Stefan had done it, to drive him mad. And who's here in townsomewhere – look for him in the cemetery or in the woods. But, oh, by the way, don't just search for a good-looking guy, because he might be a crow at the moment. â€Å"Incidentally, he's a vampire.† She didn't even believe it herself. It sounded ludicrous. A twinge from the side of her neck reminded her how serious the ludicrous story really was. She felt odd today, almost as if she were sick. It was more than just tension and lack of sleep. She felt slightly dizzy, and at times the ground seemed to be spongy, giving way under her feet and then springing back. Flu symptoms, except that she was sure they weren't due to anyvirus in her bloodstream. Damon's fault, again. Everything was Damon's fault, except the diary. She had no one to blame for that but herself. If only she hadn't written about Stefan, if only she hadn't brought the diary to school. If only she hadn't left it in Bonnie's living room. If only, if only. Right now all that mattered was that she had to get it back.